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KC Certification - Network Router

KC Certification - Network Router


- KC Conformity Certification or Registration (EMC/RF)

Product Network Router
Power AC Power
DC Power
Certification Type KC Conformity Certification or Registration (EMC/RF)
Sample 1 normal (EMC), 1 conduction (RF)
Lead Time 4 to 6 weeks or longer if 4G or 5G radios are installed.
Required Document Components layout, Schematics, Antenna specification, User Manual


- e-Standby Program

Product Network Router
Power AC Power
DC Power
Certification Type e-Standby Program(if it has both Ethernet ports(more than 2) and Wireless)
Sample 2 units
Lead Time 2 to 3 weeks
Required Document User Manual
Note It should be reported to the Korea Energy Agency within 60 days from the day of receiving measurement results from an e-Standby testing laboratory.


- Safety Certification / Safety SDoC

Product Network Router
Power AC Power(more than 30V)
DC Power(more than 42V)
Certification Type Safety SDoC(has both Ethernet and Wireless)

Safety Certification(if PoE has more than 42Vdc and USB port(5Vdc output) as a DC power supply
Sample 1 unit and critical components
1 unit if CB exists
Lead Time 45 days or less with CB
Required Document Korean User Manual, Schematics, BOM, Label sample, Business License, CB(if there is)
Note If CB exists, the lead time is reduced.

If it has PoE(more than 42Vdc input), Safety Certification can be applied as a DC power supply.



KC - Product Safety

KC - Energy Efficiency



📧 forest.lee@gca-kr.com

GCA Global Website |  KC Mark Korea Certification

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