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SK Eco Plant internalized Key Recycling Technologies for Used Batteries


SK Eco Plant succeeded in internalized key technologies, including high recovery rates for nickel, cobalt, and lithium, waste reduction in effluents, and fire prevention in high-speed discharging, across the entire process of recycling and post-processing used batteries.


SK Eco Plant achieves a 97% recovery rate for rare metals nickel and cobalt using a solvent extraction method from used batteries. The purity of the recovered nickel and cobalt reaches 99.9%, equivalent to mineral levels used in battery manufacturing.


SK Eco Plant achieves a 90% recovery rate for lithium, a key rare metal used in battery cathodes. The company optimizes the recovery process using a solvent extraction method, deviating from the conventional dry process, and integrates technology to produce lithium hydroxide used in batteries.


SK Eco Plant has advanced its technology for the discharge of used batteries. Typically, it takes about a day to fully discharge spent batteries, but through collaboration with KAIST, SK Eco Plant has reduced the time required for complete discharge to a maximum of 49 minutes.

SK Eco Plant has applied for patents for the four core technologies, and the ultimate goal is to implement them in the recycling facility for used batteries at the SK Eco Plant complex in Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk Province, which is scheduled to be completed in 2025.





📧 forest.lee@gca-kr.com


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