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MFDS, April 2024 Medical Products Approval Status Update

Medical product approval status
Medical product approval status (AI-generated image)

Medical product approval status

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety announced that in April 2024, a total of 136 medical products were approved, including 39 pharmaceuticals, one quasi-drug, and 96 medical devices.

This represented 69.7% of the average monthly approval rate of 195 items last year, and a decrease of 18.1% compared to the 166 items approved in March. Notably, pharmaceutical approvals decreased significantly by 45.8% compared to March.

For the month, the number of approvals for pharmaceuticals and quasi-drugs was lower than the average monthly approvals last year, while the number of medical device approvals showed no significant difference.




📧  forest.lee@gca-kr.com

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