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Korean Autonomous Driving Data Standard Adopted as U.S. Standard


Korean Autonomous Driving Data Standard Adopted as U.S. Standard


Korea’s autonomous driving traffic signal data standard (TLSM) has been successfully included in the 2024 revised edition of the SAE J2735 standard, the de facto international standard in the autonomous vehicle industry. The updated version was published on September 16th (U.S. time).


The Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) proposed the KS R 1600-3 (Traffic Signal Data) standard, developed by the National Police Agency and the Korea Road Traffic Authority, to be integrated into the SAE J2735 revision. This significant achievement follows the 2023 MOU between KATS and SAE.


Since 2020, KATS has been collaborating with various ministries and industries to establish seven national standards (KS) for autonomous driving data. These standards cover areas such as data usage scenarios, vehicle information, traffic signals, maps, control systems, and pedestrian safety. The entire project is expected to be completed by 2025.


📧  forest.lee@gca-kr.com

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